Simple Safety Tips For Operating Man Lifts

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2015 alone, there were a total of 4,836 reported fatal injuries throughout the country.

Every employer has a duty of care to employees. This is a legal obligation conferred on them through the laws that govern each state.

A duty of care is a legal term coined to define the responsibility that every employer has to abide by in order to operate a business legally.

This responsibility basically infers an obligation on every employee to provide their staff with a safe and healthy working environment.

This can be easy for commercial settings but it can prove to be quite challenging for industrial settings, due to the heavy machinery that is being used on the job site.

Most industrial accidents can either occur due to the staff’s negligence or the employers; both can lead to lawsuits and will also affect the overall employee morale.

In industrial settings, the most common accidents occur during the operation of heavy machines such as forklifts work platforms, cranes and aerial platforms. This is exactly why we at Industrial Man Lifts have articulated a list of the top safety tips for operating man lifts.


1. Employees should be provided with ample training

Every employee that is supposed to operate heavy machinery should receive prior training on the company’s behalf. This will not only help improve the employee’s efficiency but will also reduce chances of any accidents happening. Also, only trained and certified employees should be allowed to operate man lifts!

2. Employers should make sure every man lift is well maintained

Machinery that is not well maintained increases chances of accidents; this is exactly why every employee should make sure that each piece of machinery is well maintained according to the manufactures specifications.

3. Employees operating man lifts should be under surveillance

Another way to decrease the chance of accidents is by making sure that no employee is operating a man lift without another person’s help. The additional employee can make sure that nothing goes wrong and can also help improve the overall production.

4. Employers should make sure that every man lift is insulated effectively

The highest amount of man lift accidents happen because the insulation on the machinery has been tampered with. This insulation protects employees from getting electrocuted.

5. Employers should make sure that their staff runs a test run before using the machinery

Last, but certainly not the least, is the fact that many industrial accidents happen because of a machine malfunction. This is exactly why every employee should make sure that machines are tested before they are used.

All of these tips mentioned above will no doubt help reduce industrial accidents by a substantial margin and can be used to improve the safety of every type of machinery including custom ladders, cranes and dock levelers.

To learn more about safe industrial equipment, simply call 727-490-8839; our representatives at Industrial Man Lifts will help you out.


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