These Signs Could Mean It Is Time To Invest In An Industrial Work Platform

As a business owner, you have probably avoided investing in industrial work platforms for a while. Why bother, when renting one does the job?

The truth is, renting industrial work platforms will cost you more in the long run. More importantly, there will come a time you will need to invest in more than one industrial work platforms to streamline operations at your facility.

The question is: when?

In this blog post, we help you identify signs that will tell you if it is time to purchase industrial work platforms for use:

Employees Could Fall Four Feet

According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration, any time a person could fall four feet or more, safety guardrails are required. Do employees need to constantly work at elevated levels in your company? If so, you might want to consider investing in work platforms to avoid injuries and liabilities.

Employees Spend More Time Working Around Access Equipment

Most employees feel that when they use ladders and step stools for elevated access, they spend too much time working against the limitations of the equipment. It may either fail to provide the right reach or it may become more of a hindrance.

On the other hand, industrial work platforms designed specifically for your applications provide employees access when and how they need it.

You can even have customized platforms fabricated for even better access.

Employees Face More Injuries

If the rate of injuries in your line of work or in your particular facility is higher than normal, immediately invest in a work platform. You also start noticing a drop in absenteeism, fines and even employee compensation rates.

Employees Need Access Across Multiple Levels

Would you have a six-foot ladder and another eight-foot ladder or one single adjustable platform that offers it all? With just a simple lever or switch adjustable platforms can be elevated and brought down without any hassle.

Industrial work platforms also provide ample space to store your tools, manuals, safety gear and many other things. In fact, many industrial platforms can hold two or more people at once. At the same time, unlike their manual counterparts, work platforms can be contracted and stored easily without much hassle.

Looking for industrial maintenance platforms that precisely meet your needs? Get in touch with us at Industrial Man Lifts to discuss your needs and get started.

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