Series 35 Low Profile Work Station Scissors Lift Table


Series 35 Low Profile Work Station Scissors Lift Table



 •  Lubricated-for-life composite bearings on all pivot points  •  Maintenance free bearings, no greasing required
 •  Solid one-piece steel legs with stiffener bars  •  Minimal platform deflection
 •  Turned, ground, polished and hard-chromed axle pins  •  Extended bearing life
 •  Direct thrust cylinders  •  Provides the lowest collapsed height
 •  Chrome plated cylinder rods  •  Corrosion resistance adds to life of cylinder
 •  Double wire braided hydraulic hoses  •  Extended hose life for added safety
 •  Velocity fuses on cylinders  •  Controlled descent in case of severed hose
 •  Maintenance (safety) devices  •  Easy servicing of hydraulic components
 •  Polyethylene fluid reservoir  •  Easy inspection for fluid level, condensation and pollutants
 •  Factory tested to 110% of capacity  •  Exacting standards means it works the first time, every time
 •  Remote mounted and pre-wired power unit with UL listed components  •  Ready to operate with zero plumbing and minimal wiring
 •  Safety labels comply with ANSI Z535  •  Adds to employee’s safety as the lift meets all industry standards for labeling
 •  Two year warranty  •  Built to last with the best warranty in the industry


Series 35 Low Profile Work Station Scissors Lift Table Features:



Model Travel (inches) Capacity (lbs#) Lowered Height (inches) Raised Height (inches) Base Frame Width Base Frame Length Maximum Platform Width Maximum Platform Length Shipping Weight Approx# (lbs#)
24SLP10EXN 24 1000 5 29 16 36 24 60 390
24SLP10 24 1000 5 29 24 36 42 60 440
24SLP10EXW 24 1000 5 29 24 36 60 60 640
24SLP20EXN 24 2000 5 29 16 36 24 60 400
24SLP20 24 2000 5 29 24 36 42 60 450
24SLP20EXW 24 2000 5 29 24 36 60 60 650
24SLP30EXN 24 3000 5 29 16 36 24 60 410
24SLP30 24 3000 5 29 24 36 42 60 460
24SLP30EXW 24 3000 5 29 24 36 60 60 660
24SLP40EXN 24 4000 5 29 16 36 24 60 420
24SLP40 24 4000 5 29 24 36 42 60 470
24SLP40EXW 24 4000 5 29 24 36 60 60 670
36SLP10EXN 36 1000 5 41 16 48 24 72 490
36SLP10 36 1000 5 41 24 48 42 72 540
36SLP10EXW 36 1000 5 41 24 48 60 72 760
36SLP20EXN 36 2000 5 41 16 48 24 72 500
36SLP20 36 2000 5 41 24 48 42 72 550
36SLP20EXW 36 2000 5 41 24 48 60 72 770
36SLP30EXN 36 3000 5 41 18 48 24 72 530
36SLP30 36 3000 5 41 24 48 42 72 580
36SLP30EXW 36 3000 5 41 24 48 60 72 800
36SLP40 36 4000 5 41 24 48 42 72 590
36SLP40EXW 36 4000 5 41 24 48 60 72 810
48SLP10EXN 48 1000 5 53 16 64 24 88 680
48SLP10 48 1000 5 53 24 64 42 88 730
48SLP10EXW 48 1000 5 53 24 64 60 88 970
48SLP20EXN 48 2000 5 53 16 64 24 88 690
48SLP20 48 2000 5 53 24 64 42 88 740
48SLP20EXW 48 2000 5 53 24 64 60 88 980
48SLP30EXN 48 3000 5 53 16 64 24 88 720
48SLP30 48 3000 5 53 24 64 42 88 770
48SLP30EXW 48 3000 5 53 24 64 60 88 1010
48SLP40 48 4000 5 53 24 64 42 88 780
48SLP40EXW 48 4000 5 53 24 64 60 88 1020


Industrial Man Lifts is your aerial access solution provider. We can customize any product for any size job. Operators always standing by, (727) 490-8839.




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